Manhattan through Spiritual, Southern, Single eyes


O make me Thine forever;
And, should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never
Out live my love to Thee.

written by Bernard of Clairvaux in the 12th Century

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thirty Things about Adriana


  • is one of those people who walks in a room and within 15 minutes the room is captivated by her humor, love and presence.
  • Wears great earrings.
  • LOVES LOVES Jesus.
  • knows herself well.
  • is really pretty.
  • loves Mariska Hargitay.
  • isn't afraid to cry.
  • is really, really strong. Like kick your butt strong. Move your refrigerator strong.
  • Sings really good Sugarland covers.
  • is one of a kind and by being her friend you start to feel more important. Yeah, it is true.
  • finds really good new music.
  • should have her own radio or talk show.
  • is probably the most loyal friend I know.
  • has kicked her own butt and gotten really healthy! So inspiring.
  • has really cool sunglasses and watches.
  • texts me the most ridiculous things just to make me snort.
  • gives her life away with incredible joy.
  • used to drive the swift.
  • can lead and influence people and also fix your computer, design your webpage and file your taxes.
  • is a smooth operator :).
  • has hair that makes me jealous.
  • changes her environment and community for the better just by being present.
  • leads by example.
  • grieves well with others.
  • is the most quick witted person I know.
  • tells me I'm being pissy and to quit it.
  • makes friends with the people in line.
  • can drive under really stressful situations.
  • makes incredible sacrifices for others' joy.
  • is Brazilian & speaks Spanish, English & Portuguese. 
  • is one of my dearest friends who shows me Jesus and teaches me how to know Him more and also pushes me off the couch just make me laugh at the end of the day.
HAPPY 30TH, Dria. You are an incredible friend to me. Love you!!!

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